German level 10

Course information

German level 10 is intended for students who already have well-advanced knowledge of German. Students should be familiar with the advanced aspects of German grammar and should have a broad and active vocabulary (work-related and personal life).

After this course you will, among other things, be able to:

  • give a short presentation and lead the ensuing discussion
  • read literary texts
  • understand interviews and radio reports

Who is it for?

This general language training course is designed for those students who have well-advanced knowledge of the German language.

What will you learn?

During this course, you will increasingly expand your general language skills. The primary aim of this course is to develop your German proficiency, building on your existing knowledge, so that you can express ideas and viewpoints in German with confidence and accuracy, both orally and in writing.

By the end of this course, you will be able to read and understand various types of non-fiction and literary texts and song lyrics. You will also be able to produce a range of texts, for example you can write summaries, commentaries and book reviews and you can read and understand digital forum posts and also write them.

You are able to conduct discussions in which you present arguments and refute standpoints and you can define and explain concepts. You are able to interpret and discuss images, photographs and drawings. You know useful expressions for making and discussing proposals in order to reach a consensus. You can also listen actively and ask questions, voice objections and give feedback.

This course builds upon the knowledge gained in German level 9, which is why the goals are in many ways similar. The expansion of the knowledge of the language is mainly in the aspects of writing and grammar.

And grammar?

The grammar you learn during this course includes:

  • Review of Infinitivsätze
  • Conditions: clause with and without wenn (verbal), prepositional (nominal), participle phrase
  • Review of passive forms, including passive sentence constructions and the modal participle with zu
  • Auxiliary verbs for allegations and suspicions
  • Verbs with prepositions as subordinate clause (da... dass) or an infinitive
  • Special conjunctions for writing varied texts
  • Modalitätsverben (for example haben zu, sein zu)
If you successfully complete this course, you will receive a certificate showing the level you have attained.


The intake procedure for this course comprises: intake interview

Schedule and registration

Day(s) Start End Time Hours Price
Mondays 07 Apr 2025 30 Jun 2025 19:00 - 21:30 25 475 Enrol NOW!
Day(s) Start End Time Hours Price
Tuesdays 08 Apr 2025 10 Jun 2025 19:00 - 21:30 25 525 Enrol NOW!